At Home
Organizing-paperwork, receipts, files etc
Pet Sitting-we come and check on pets 3 times a day while you are out of town
Pet Walking
Pet Washing-we come to your home and bathe your pet
Pet Feeding
Pet Play Dates-we come in the middle of the day to let your dog out and play with them
Light Cleaning
Inside Holiday Decorating
After School Child Care
Clean Out Attic, Garage, Spare Bedroom, Closet Etc
Gift Wrapping
Furniture Assembly
Packing & Unpacking
House Sitting- water plants, take out trash, feed animals, bring in mail etc
Assist With Garage Sales
Write, Address and Mail Thank You Notes, Cards etc
Open Up Vacation Homes & Light Clean After
Polish Silver
Wait Service-repair men, pest control, cable guy etc
Help With A Party
Virtual Assistant- calendar management, reminder service, booking local (restaurants, theaters, sporting events), internet research, price comparisons
Online Shopping

Out and About
Grocery Shopping-carry into house and put cold items away
Pick-up/Drop-off children-day care, after school, school events, friends house etc
Pick-up/Drop-off pets-vet appointments, day care, groomers
Pick-up/Drop-off Dry Cleaning
Run to Post Office, Bank, UPS etc
Get Copies Made
Gift Shopping & Wrapping
Food Pick Up & Delivery
Car Services-take car for oil change, maintenance, inspection, car wash, detailing etc
Pick-up Prescriptions
Personal Shopping
Line Waiting-post office, must have toy, tickets etc
Bring Lunch to School or Work
Prepare Boxes for Mailing
Holiday or General Returns
Library Drop-off
Work a Party or Event
Drop-off Clothes etc for Consignment or Thrift Store
Personal Transportation-airport, elderly to appointments etc

Businesses Too
Light Clerical Work
Personal Assistant
Schedule Appointments
Have Copies Made
Bank Services-make deposits, collecting checks
Food Pick-up & Delivery
Furniture Assembly
Managing Phones
Stock Office Supplies
Pick-up & Deliver Documents
Take Inventory
Data Entry
Prepare Boxes For Delivery
Work An Event
Virtual Assistant-calendar management, reminder service, booking local (restaurants, theater, sporting events), internet research, price comparisons
Drop-off and Pick-up of Signs-realty, open house, sale etc
If you don't see a service here please ask! We are willing to work with you on a variety of services that maybe we haven't even thought of yet!!